a new season of BASECAMP PROGRAM BEGINS june 6th.
Join a small, private cohort of other runners regaining their mojo.


WHAt’s included:

  • detailed self-implemented online program designed to kickstart any runner’s mojo

  • access to a private, monitored community space fOr community & connection

  • 12 week macrocycle building to your weekly goal volume

  • each week includes quality & speed economy workouts, as well as medium & long run sessions. we highly recommend a minimum of 4 days of running per week but suggest 5-6 days a week as optimal.

  • recommended schedule setup based on quality training day to help organize your training

  • a weekly training AUDIO podcast describing all the training details & discussions of mental training & other special topics

  • detailed weekly posts & updates describing all the training details

  • additional tips to help stay injury free, mentally focused & motivated for the next training week

  • an additional 6 week repeatable base build schedule that can be consistently maintained for as long as a runner wants to sustain.

  • access to a special monthly Question & answer episode where we’ll answer specific questions related to this program.

  • access to a special discount for transitioning into a telos running training program or online course.

A free base building program

if you are interested in joining one of the telos running programs but know you are not quite where you need to be to get started or if you are training on your own & want to get into a position where you are “fit enough to train” then this program is designed for you.

join telos running on a guided tour through a 12 week program to safely & effectively build your mileage to where you can begin serious training for a command performance race of any distance.

The fundamental philosophy is building aerobic development in a consistent, balanced manner. We believe that a mix of varied pace, sub-maximal training sessions, focused on learning to run based on bodily signals & efforts is crucial to developing the ability to train effectively. We suggest learning to “train by feel” to trust the internal signals the body provides & our program provides practical tips for doing so. Of course, we don’t take away your watch or smartwatches…we just ask you to use it as one of a number of datapoints to determine your training.

of course, the most crucial component of a base building program is running longer. we provide both a long run & medium long run to develop the necessary physiological adaptations for effective training. by balancing easy, relaxed running with varied paced quality sessions & short, speed economy session, we endeavor to create a balanced program that at it’s completion will have you ready for any hard, focused training program you choose.

prerequisite: 20 miles a week of running or Run/Walk at an easy, comfortable pace. This program is not for beginners. it has been created for runners who are committed to training weekly but are looking to move to the next level of training but want to build a strong foundation for further training.

the program is absolutely free. All we ask is that you send us an email at the link below & We’ll send you all the details.

Why is this free? what’s the catch?

there is no catch. We believe that running is a human birthright & want to do a small part in helping others develop a committed consistent movement practice.

join us in unlocking your running potential.
by committing to a consistent, aerobically-centered training plan,
you can develop the fitness to train effectively for any race distance.